• Accessibility Services
  • Emergency Preparedness for Individuals with Disabilities
  • Emergency Preparedness for Individuals with Disabilities

    对所有人来说,建立一个应急计划并了解程序是很重要的 before anything happens. 残障人士应遵循一般指引 contained in the Emergency Procedures Guide and the “Emergency Procedures” tab of the GoucherSafe app, as well as the instructions provided below. The college strongly urges all students, faculty and staff to register for emergency text and email alerts, and download the Gopher Help app. Please contact the Office of Campus Safety if you are unable to download the application.

    Watch the following videos from the Minger Foundation 学习如何应对各种紧急情况. Additional information can be found on FEMA’s website.

    Preparing Before an Emergency


    在每学期开始时,有残疾的人限制了他们的学习 流动人员有责任通知他们的主管(如果是员工),居住地 生活人员(如果住校学生)或校园安全办公室(所有学生) 职员和教员的姓名和地点,以备紧急情况. This includes 建筑物名称和房间号码,以及他们的残疾和性质 type of assistance needed in an emergency. The information will be stored with the 校园安全办公室,并在紧急情况下交给巴尔的摩县消防局. 对无法自行撤离的残疾人进行救援 will be an initial priority for responding fire units.

    Personal Emergency Plan

    每个人都应该与学校官员一起工作,包括校园办公室 制定安全应急计划,概述适当的资源和应对措施 in the event of an emergency. The plan should include specific evacuation procedures, 避难程序和紧急情况下的通讯手段. It should also contain:

    During an Emergency

    Individuals should familiarize themselves with the Emergency Procedures Guide (PDF) 或紧急程序选项卡上的“云顶集团安全”云顶集团程序的适当 response to various types of emergencies. The guide dictates two basic responses to 紧急情况:在适当的地方躲避或离开建筑物. The college's emergency 通信将指示在紧急情况下采取的步骤,但它是 最好让校园社区的成员对这些反应有一个基本的了解 is appropriate for various situations.


    Elevators should never be used in an evacuation. Individuals who are unable to use 楼梯出口应寻求帮助或前往最近的封闭楼梯井 (每个入口都有门),然后等待巴尔的摩县消防局的到来 or the Goucher College Office of Campus Safety to arrive. The Fire Department and 校园安全人员将尝试检查所有区域,包括洗手间,以进行沟通 the need to evacuate. 残障人士应立即通知911 如果他们无法撤离,请拨打(410)337-6112联系校园安全办公室.

    封闭式建筑楼梯间具有较高的耐火等级. To aid protection, 确保通往楼梯间的门紧紧关闭,因为打开的门是允许的 smoke and possibly fire into the stairwell. Someone may stay with the person requiring 如果援助不会使他们处于额外的危险之中,而另一个人处于危险之中 能够与消防队员见面,报告楼梯间人员的位置.

    Shelter in place

    在一些紧急情况下,个人应该在适当的地方避难 在该区域发生火灾或爆炸的可能性. Individuals who are unable 在疏散期间,要到达封闭的楼梯井,也应该在适当的地方躲避. 关于如何为每种情况提供最佳庇护的说明是可用的 请参阅“紧急程序指南”或Gopher的“紧急程序”选项卡 Help app.

    Assisting individuals with disabilities

    在紧急情况下,社区成员应协助残疾人 the following ways:

    Non-Emergency Situations

    在非紧急情况下需要协助离开建筑物的残疾人 如遇电梯或停电等情况,请与云顶集团联系 Office of Campus Safety at (410) 337-6112.