• 职业教育办事处
  • 专业经验
  • 学生就业
  • 学生就业

    学生就业 at Goucher College provides students an opportunity to be employed 在学校不同的部门担任各种各样的角色. In addition 除了经济上的好处,校园工作可以帮助学生发展具体和 可转移的专业技能. 如果你有关于学生就业的问题 请发邮件给云顶集团 studentemployment@cookbookss.com



    This short video tutorial reviews the 5 easy steps to apply for on campus jobs using handshake.





    All on-campus positions are posted through the CEO’s online jobs and internship database, Handshake. 您可以使用工作搜索过滤器只查看校园学生就业 jobs. 大多数校园招聘都是在秋季学期开始时发布的 another slight increase in postings going up around the beginning of the spring semester. In order to apply for jobs in Handshake you will need to have an approved resume in 系统,所以上传简历是整个过程的第一步.

    If you’d like to find out more information about on-campus jobs you should consider 和你的同学谈谈他们的校园工作,和老师或工作人员谈谈 会员询问招聘需求,或者去学校的办公室看看他们是否招人 students.

    Types of Jobs

    During the academic year full time students are allowed to work up to two jobs within 1级和2级工作分类. 担任住宿助理(RA)职位的学生 可以从事一级或二级工作吗. 学生可以不受次数限制地工作 临时工作.

    Level 1 Jobs: Pay $15/hr: Generally require direct supervision with specific instructions. 职责通常包括支持办公室的行政职能.

    • Examples: Library Service Desk Assistant, ACE – Notetaker, Student Office Assistant

    Level 2 Jobs: Pay $17/hr: Require higher levels of responsibility, independence, and training; may require highly specialized skills and/or supervising other students.

    • 例如:公民行动的学生领袖,ACE -同伴导师


    • 例如:校友/周末学生工作者,DJ/音乐家,摄影师


    • 学生必须在开始任何工作之前完成新雇佣文书工作.
    • 学生同时从事2份以上校内工作*

    * Students may apply to the 补充工作计划 which enables approved students 在校工作岗位共3个. 请参阅下面的SWP部分. *注:由于技术原因 问题,截至2023年8月,补充工作计划已暂停. Students may 在另行通知前,只担任2个校内工作.

    • During the academic year (throughout fall and spring semesters) students may not work more than 20 hours per week (40 hours per pay period) inclusive of all on-campus jobs. 学生在一个财政年度(7月1日至6月30日)内的工作时间不得超过990小时。.

    *Students who hold the position of Resident Assistant (RA) may not exceed more than 每周10小时的其他校园工作

    • 寒暑假期间,学生的学习时间不得超过29小时 每周(每个工资期58小时),包括所有校内工作.
    • Students must be enrolled full-time (in at least 12 credits) to be eligible to work an on-campus job.
    • 毕业生是否可以在暑假期间继续从事校内工作
    • 学生在国外学习期间不得工作或报时.


    Students interested in on-campus employment must complete the following required onboarding 就业验证任务 before 他们可以开始工作.

    After a student is hired as a student employee in Workday for the first time or re-hired, 工作日将发送2封电子邮件通知(发送到学生的个人电子邮件地址). 一封电子邮件将有一个 link 到入职主页和你的工作日用户名. 第二封邮件将包含 临时密码.

    Onboarding involves completing your personal information, address, emergency contact, 银行详细信息和税单(W4和MW-507)以及添加您的国民身份证.



    After completing section 1 of the I-9 in Workday, students must complete employment 向人力资源厅提出核实 可接受的身份证明文件. 学生应携带 original 完成文件核查; 不允许复印.

    Special notes: 此外,国际学生应该联系 Karen Sykes 获取关于如何完成冰川过程的说明.

    Students who have worked before may notice that some of their onboarding information is already entered and can update any outdated data at this time, but this needs to 再次提交,以便能够工作!


    The 联邦工作研究(FWS) 该计划为有经济需要的本科生提供资助,允许 他们有可能赚到钱来帮助支付教育费用. 项目的资格 是在学生提交联邦学生援助免费申请时确定的 (FAFSA).

    如果你的经济援助计划中还没有联邦工作学习(cookbookss.com/netpartner) and feel you have financial need or have questions about 联邦工作研究, please contact the 财政援助办事处 直接电邮至 FinAid@cookbookss.com 或致电1-800云顶集团,分机6141



    The 补充工作计划 (SWP) is an administrative process that students can use if they believe that the 2 job limit is inequitable or otherwise harmful to their personhood.


    Students must submit a work portfolio which contains a resume, cover letter and statement of resource. 资源说明说明需要比他们目前更多的工作 job cap. 这可能包括学生认为有资格获得奖学金的任何理由 removal of a job cap, such as: financial information, desire for further job education 体验,追求个人成就的动力,还有更多.


    Students must submit their work portfolio to the Assistant Director for 学生就业 在职业教育办公室. 申请将以滚动方式接受.


    申请将由学生就业处助理处长及 职业教育办公室主任根据以下准则:

    • Financial reasons (statement of resource documents will be reviewed by Financial Aid Director)

    • 技能和经验的发展

    • 创造性的追求


    1. 提交的作品集代表专业简历的程度如何. This includes 分析提交文件的格式、语法和结构.

    2. 提交的资源声明的真实性和诚实程度(如下所述). 学生不会因为最初缺乏经验而被扣分.

    3. The Statement of Resource should further be evaluated on each student's ability to demonstrate the negative impacts of not having another job, as well as how to alleviate 增加新工作带来的问题.

    4. 应该从“职业道德”的角度来评估整个投资组合。.



    The Goucher College 职业教育办事处 works with local employers, national employers, 和校友为云顶集团学生发布工作和实习机会. Handshake 包括实习、全职工作、季节性工作和奖学金 学生可直接申请. 上传简历、求职信和其他文件 使云顶集团更容易!


    QuadJobs is an online platform that connects college students with local and temporary 适合他们日程安排的工作. 常见的QuadJobs工作包括保姆、家教、 搬家具,跑腿,遛狗等等. 要开始,请注册您的 云顶集团的电子邮件地址,并填写你的个人资料.



    Throughout the year the 职业教育办事处 works to verify employment and internship opportunities for you in order to ensure that each opportunity we post is truthful 并提高你的技能和经验. 每隔一段时间,我们就会发现一个骗局或收到通知 是另一所当地大学关于一个可能的就业/实习骗局. While the CEO will make every effort to ensure that employers and job postings are legitimate, the CEO不负责雇主和工作信息所包含的准确性 on Handshake. 握手的提供者(NACE和Symplicity)和CEO不需要 筛选雇主或招聘启事. 保护自己不被雇佣或实习机会的最好方法 诈骗是在云顶集团前练习警惕. 因此,我们要确保 you are taking the measures necessary to identify scams before they become unfortunate situations.


    • 调查公司和职位. 你能找到那家公司和招聘启事吗 seem to fit? 清单中提供的联系信息是否准确到主 公司信息?
    • 关联的电子邮件地址与公司关联的url不同
    • 这篇帖子只关注好处,而不是实际需求
    • 一旦你被雇佣,雇主会要求你为他们存一张支票 turns out to be fake or bounces, you may be responsible for items deposited into or 从你的账户中兑现)
    • 雇主要求你预先付款或使用你的银行账户
    • When you contact the employer/are hired, the job requirements aren't what was stated in the ad
    • 如果一件事好得令人难以置信,那它可能就是真的


    • 如果你不确定的话,把招聘启事带到职业教育办公室进行审核
    • 在网上搜索电子邮件地址/电话号码/公司——公司会出现吗 in your results? 是否有举报的信息是骗局? 这个帖子看起来 为了符合公司的使命?
    • Do not provide any personal information unless you feel 100% comfortable with your employer
    • Check their references just as they may ask to check yours - Ask to speak with current 或者以前的员工

    如果你了解到一个就业/实习骗局,请向首席执行官报告 career@cookbookss.com immediately. 有关工作诈骗的更多信息或报告工作诈骗,请云顶集团 联邦贸易委员会.

    如果你发现自己是就业/实习骗局的受害者,请报告给 the CEO at career@cookbookss.com. 查看这些资源 诈骗受害者6步骤恢复 and 避免社会工程和网络钓鱼攻击 获取其他支持.



    面试过程对每个雇主来说都是不同的. 一些招聘经理可能会 要求简历和/或面试. 其他的可能需要简短的兴趣陈述 而其他人则更喜欢和你面对面交谈. 准备好你的简历 will always make a good impression, but be prepared to be asked to apply online as well. Many local employers who are part of a national company will require all applicants 使用他们的在线系统申请. 为你的考试做准备和练习 面试,云顶集团职业教育办公室.



    • 穿着得体,守时.

    • 以最成熟的态度行事.

    • 始终提供准确和诚实的信息.

    • Be prepared to provide a copy your class schedule, a resume, and references, if requested.

    • 放松,做你自己.


    The Towson Loop 有没有免费的环行巴士服务,在陶森地区都有站点. 查看网站 for route maps.

    马里兰州交通管理局 offers fare-based bus, light rail, and subway services to a wide variety of neighborhoods 巴尔的摩及其周边地区.



    云顶集团的职业教育办公室(CEO)遵守这些原则 forth by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) and expects that employers who use the Center's services will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, sex, age, disability, 或者遗传信息. CEO平台上的所有云顶集团都发布在 由职业教育办公室全权决定.

    The CEO is not responsible for the content of any linked site; the CEO provides these links only as a convenience and assumes no liability for acts or omissions by third 各方或其提供的任何材料. 云顶集团不对安全负责 工资,工作条件,或其他方面的校外就业. 这是责任 of students to research the integrity and safety of the organizations to which they are applying. 建议学生在申请时谨慎使用常识 any position with an organization and reach out to the CEO if they have concerns or questions.